IPAMA Offers Special Covid-19 Rates for Print Pack India 2021
25 March 2021: Print Pack India is leading Exhibition in India Catering to Entire Spectrum of Graphic Printing Industry. Print Pack India 2021 will be held from 20-24 December 2021 at India Expo Centre, Greater Noida.
IPAMA is supporting the industry at this crucial time. Keeping this endeavour in view, IPAMA plans to offer maximum relief to the industry. For participation in Print Pack India 2021, the Governing Council of IPAMA has extended the date for availing of the Early Bird Discount of Rs.1,000/- up to 31st May 2021. It has also been decided to allow Motivational Discount and further Special Covid-19 Discount for participation in the Exhibition. It may kindly be noted that the Covid-19 Special Discount (CSD) will be applicable only for 15th Edition of Print Pack India Exhibition.
A new machine manufacturing company can also become a Member and participate in the Exhibition @Rs.3,600/-* per Sq. Mtr. for an old Member, whose membership started before 31.12.2011 and opting for bare space, will get Stand @Rs.2,800/- per Sq. Mtr. only.
*To know your space rental, please visit our website…..Click…… https://www.printpackipama.com/pdf/Final_Rate_Chart.pdf