By 2025 every new building in Dubai will be 25% 3D printed !
11 September 2020: Based on Dubai Municipality’s new regulations, by 2025 every new building in Dubai will be 25% 3D printed, a move that could be emulated elsewhere in the world. The process was first kick-started in 2019, starting with 2% 3D printed buildings.
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has launched the ‘Dubai 3D Printing Strategy’, a unique global initiative that aims to exploit technology for the service of humanity and promote the status of the UAE and Dubai as a leading hub of 3D printing technology by the year 2030.
The Dubai 3D printing Strategy will make Dubai the worlds 3D printing hub. The strategy adopts an emerging technology that will help cut cost in many sectors, especially the medical and construction sector in Dubai. The technology will restructure economies and labour markets, and redefine productivity.
Meanwhile, taking a queue from Dubai’s new 3D printed building policy, Dubai Health Authority has committed to regulating and setting the standards to the use of technology in the health sector. They will explore the use of 3D printed prosthetic limbs, 3D printed teeth, and 3D printed hearing aids in public clinics and hospitals.
In fact, the world’s first 3D printed office building opened in Dubai in 2016. It took 17 days to print, using a 37-meter long printer and two days to assemble on site. 3D printing creates 60% less waste than traditional construction because 3D printers use materials more efficiently, cutting costs by up to 70%.