65 Traditional Handloom Products Registered Under Geographical Indications of Goods Act 1999
09 December 2021: Government has been implementing the Handlooms (Reservation of Articles for Production) Act, 1985 for production of reserved items only on Handlooms and to protect the interest of handlooms weavers in the country. 11 textiles articles with some technical specifications are exclusively reserved for production on handlooms. Central Assistance is provided under the Scheme to eligible State Governments for effective implementation of the Act.
Government has introduced ‘Handloom Mark’ to identify products woven on handlooms. Awareness creation activities are carried out from time to time to popularise these measures.
65 important and famous traditional handloom products have been registered under the Geographical Indications (GI) of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999. Registered users of GI products have rights under the Act to approach the respective police authorities to safeguard their interests against illegal manufacturing / marketing of GI registered handloom products. State Handlooms & Textiles Departments have been advised to make special efforts to provide protection to such GI registered handloom products.